Pressure Governor

Pressure governor
The Pressure Governor operates by using a 0-5 vdc signal to translate water pressure into voltage. This allows it to monitor and control pressure by controlling the trucks engine speed. The governor also protects the pump by preventing cavitation. RPM's will rise quickly and the truck will then go to an idle.
When should I pump in RPM mode?
The rpm mode will allow the pumper to continue to operate if a pressure sensor clogs or fails and will allow constant engine speed operation for certain types of equipment like some types of CAFS or other engine driven equipment that need a relatively fixed speed for best performance.
How do I set a preset on pump boss?
Press and hold the preset. Button and rotate the knob to the desired discharge pressure release the
What does a pressure governor do?
The pressure governor receives a signal from a pressure transducer mounted on the discharge side of the pump. As the transducer senses a change in pressure, the pressure governor sends a signal to the engine ECU to increase or decrease engine speed to maintain the desired discharge pressure.
Do fire trucks have governors?
Since the early 1990's, electronic pressure governors (EPGs) have been used extensively on fire apparatus for controlling engine speed and associated pump pressure to facilitate accurate and consistent discharge line pressure.
What is the difference between RPM and pressure mode?
In pressure mode the governor maintains a constant pump discharge pressure. The discharge pressure is monitored and compared to the selected pressure setting, the engine RPM is varied to keep the discharge pressure at the selected setting. In RPM mode the governor maintains a constant engine RPM.
Do you draft in RPM or pressure?
In most operations it is more desirable to monitor and control the discharge pressure, however RPM mode may be used during drafting operations when a consistent RPM is desired. Most governors allow the operator to switch back and forth between pressure and RPM mode without shutting down the operation.
Why do you relay pump in RPM mode?
While the attack engine governor is in pressure mode to protect the hose team, the other pumps in the relay run in rpm to maintain a constant water supply.
How does a governor work?
How Mechanical Governors Work. A mechanical governor uses flyweights to create a force based off of crankshaft speed which is balanced by the force of the governor spring. The top engine speed is varied by increasing the spring force to run faster or decreasing the force to run slower.
How does a speed governor work?
How do Speed Limiters Work? Put simply, sensors in your car detect how fast you are going, then this information is communicated to the engine's computer. When the pre-determined speed is met, the computer restricts the flow of fuel and air to the engine.
Where is the governor located in an engine?
In a gasoline engine, the governor is usually placed between the carburetor and the intake manifold. The Centrifugal governor is attached to the camshaft by a gear drive.
What is a pressure governor fire engine?
The automatic pump pressure governor (APPG) changes the engine speed to control pump discharge pressure. With modern electronically controlled engines, the pressure governor throttles the engine to speed up or down to maintain the pressure set by the operator.
What is pump pressure?
Pump pressure, however, is a measure of resistance to flow. Without flow, there is no pressure. In a positive displacement pump, such as a plunger pump, the rating in pounds per square inch, or PSI, outlines how much resistance the pump is designed to withstand.
How do fire trucks pump water?
To do this, the driver must pull the lever labeled "Tank to Pump". This lever enables the water to be drawn from the tank on the truck into the pump which will then be sent to the hose.
What is the tank to pump valve?
The Waterous tank to pump valve is a true 3-1/2”, full-flow valve that allows water flow from the vehicle's tank to the vehicle's pump, enabling firefighters to begin attacking a fire prior to connection to a fire hydrant or other water source.
Do you draft in volume or pressure?
Drafting also plays by the pressure-volume dichotomy of normal operations. The higher the pressure, the less volume one can draft. The majority of the pump work is done to increase the pressure rather than pulling water in. Likewise, a fire pump can pull lots of volume, but it will be at a low pressure.
What rpm do you draft at?
Throttle up to around 1,000 RPM make sure you are in volume mode and not pressure mode, open up your intake and pull your primer for 30-45 seconds and you should have a draft as long as everything is tight. 2. Another way is to obtain a draft is by using a low level strainer with a jet siphon.
Can you draft through a piston intake valve?
Not all intake valves are made to draft through, some after market piston intake valves will leak air through the intake relief valves. Successful drafting followed later in the operation by loss of flow and high vacuum readings means that something has sucked up against your strainer blocking the intake of water.
How far can you relay pump?
When relay pumping, you also remember that you want to deliver the water to the receiving pump with a 20-psi residual pressure to avoid cavitation. This equates to a maximum five-inch LDH hose stretch of 800 feet (eight 100-foot lengths at 18 psi = 144 psi, and a 20-psi residual requires 164-psi PDP).
What is the difference between tandem pumping and relay pumping?
Relay pumping is generally used to increase the volume of water available at a fire scene, while tandem pumping (another form of relay) is most often undertaken to increase water pressure.
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