Lm741 Vs Lm358

Lm741 vs lm358
Two commonly used opamp are LM741 & LM358. Difference between LM358 & LM741 is, LM358 is newer and have two OP-AMP on chip while in 741 only one OP-AMP is present. Both the IC's have 8 pins.
Is LM358 a good op-amp?
LM358 IC can also be used as transducer standard operational amplifier and it is suitable for our needs. It can handle voltage from 3V to 32V DC supply and current up to 20mA per channel. It consists of 8 pins which contains two operational amplifiers.
What is the difference between LM741 and UA741?
The LM741 series are general-purpose operational amplifiers. The UA741 is a high-performance monolithic operational amplifier constructed on a single silicon chip. It is intended for a wide range of analog applications.
What is IC LM741?
Brief Description. An LM741 operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high gain electronic voltage amplifier. It has only one op-amp inside. An operational amplifier IC is used as a comparator which compares the two signal, the inverting and non-inverting signal.
What is LM358 used for?
LM358 can be used as transducer amplifier, DC gain block etc. It has large dc voltage gain of 100dB. This IC can be operated on wide range of power supply from 3V to 32V for single power supply or from ±1.5V to ±16V for dual power supply and it also support large output voltage swing.
Is LM741 a comparator?
The LM741 is an operational amplifier IC that can function as a comparator. It is an op amp chip that has 8 pins in total.
Can I use LM386 instead of LM358?
They're not interchangeable. LM386 is an audio amp, intended to drive a speaker. It's not any kind of opamp like the LM358 is. Never use the LM358 for audio.
Which IC can be used instead of LM358?
I will consider lM158, LM2904 and TL082. I have also found 2 more alternate ICs for LM358 with same pinouts and my requirements.
What is the best sounding op-amp?
Among the best are the OPA604 and the OP37. More recently I have use NE5534's in my guitar amps. Be careful if using these as they are stable only for gains of greater than 3. Another low distortion, low noise op amp is the LT1028.
What are some alternative IC for LM741 op-amp?
The 741's dual version is a 1458, and since duals save money I'll concentrate on these. A very cheap alternative to the 1458 is the TL072 (this is a FET input op-amp) or the NE5532 (also a dual), which is still a very fine and quiet design 40+ years later.
What is LM741 amplifier?
The LM741 series are general-purpose operational amplifiers which feature improved performance over industry standards like the LM709. They are direct, plug-in replacements for the 709C, LM201, MC1439, and 748 in most applications.
Why 741 is called op-amp?
IC 741 Op Amp (Operational Amplifier) It was first manufactured by Fairchild semiconductors in the year 1963. The number 741 indicates that this operational amplifier IC has 7 functional pins, 4 pins capable of taking input and 1 output pin.
How many pins are in LM741?
A LM741 is a 8-pin op amp, meaning it has 8 pins all having their different functions. Pin 2: Inverting Input- This is where the positive part of the input signal that we want to amplify goes if we want our amplified signal inverted.
What is the slew rate of LM741?
The slew rate for the 741 is 0.5V/microsecond compared to 100V/microsecond for a high-speed op-amp.
What is the gain of LM741?
The LM741 has a GBW around 1MHz (but not listed in this datasheet). This means that with a 1MHz input the max gain is one (the gain drops off as frequency increases). Actually the gain is less than one because GBW is defined as the 3db point (i.e. where the voltage drops to 0.707 of its original value).
Why LM358 is used in IR sensor?
Here operational amplifier (op-amp) of LM 358 is used as a comparator. When the IR receiver does not receive the signal the potential at the inverting input goes higher than that at the non-inverting input of the comparator (LM 358). Thus the output of the comparator goes low and the LED does not glow.
Is LM358 a microcontroller?
All these components are integrated onto a single chip. They are available in various forms like 555 timers, single circuit logic gates, microprocessors, microcontrollers, voltage regulators and op-amps like IC 741, LM324 IC, LM358 IC, LM339 IC and many more.
Is LM358 single supply?
Single Supply Operation This means that operation with a +12V supply could be limited as low as 2 Vp-p output swing. The LM358 however, allows a 10.5 Vp-p output swing for the same 12V supply.
Are Opamps still used?
Voltage followers (also simply called buffers) are a type of commonly used noninverting amplifiers. Op-amps are also used as differential amplifiers, integrator circuits, etc. Op-amps are widely used for various applications. It is no exaggeration to say that op-amps are found in almost all electrical appliances.
Who designed LM741?
50 years ago a young Brit joined Fairchild where he was to design one of the most famous ICs ever made – the 741 op amp. Dave Fullagar had been working for the RRE and answered a Transitron ad.
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