Attiny13 Vs Attiny85

Attiny13 vs attiny85
ATtiny85 is an 8-bit AVR microcontroller that comes with 8-pin interface and mainly used in automation and Arduino projects. The CPU is based on RISC architecture and is mainly called low power controller that stands fit for the real-time applications that can operate on minimum power.
Do you need a crystal for a ATtiny85?
ATtiny microprocessors can use an internal RC oscillator or an external crystal oscillator. External crystal oscillators are more accurate, but require two pins. For these low pin count devices it can be beneficial to use the internal oscillator.
Is the ATtiny85 8-bit?
The ATtiny25/45/85 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture.
Is ATtiny85 a microcontroller?
ATtiny85 microcontroller is a very popular 8-bit RISC microcontroller. It has become the first choice for professionals and developers because of its incredible features in such a small size.
Does ATtiny85 need a oscillator?
There are two types of oscillator built into the ATtiny85: One type uses an on-chip resistor and capacitor to generate an 8MHz clock[1]. It needs no external components, but it is not very accurate. The second type requires an external crystal[2] plus two capacitors.
How much RAM does ATtiny85 have?
Atmel ATtiny85 8-pin 20MHz Microcontroller This is a great little microcontroller with an internal oscillator which runs at 8MHz (or 16MHz with internal PLL), SPI, I2C or Serial Port interface, 8K of flash program memory, 512 bytes of RAM and 512 bytes of EEPROM.
How much current does an ATtiny85 draw?
Sips Power When powered from a USB bus (5v), and running at a clock speed of 1 MHz, the ATtiny85 will consume less than 2 mA. If you only needed the ATtiny to wake up at specific intervals, you could have it sleep with a Watchdog Timer. In Watchdog mode the ATtiny consumes less than 5 µA while sleeping.
Does ATtiny85 have pullup resistors?
In practice, instead of an external resistor, an internal pull-up resistor is used directly in the microcontroller. Because we have only internal pull-up resistors in the ATtiny85 microcontroller, we usually connect the button as shown in the diagram.
Is ATtiny reliable?
One of Atmel's smallest microcontrollers, the ATtiny, is among the most inexpensive and reliable chips around for small applications. It's also one of the most popular. If you don't need more than a few inputs or outputs, there's nothing better.
Can ATtiny85 be reprogrammed?
In order to reprogram the ATTINY85 to use a different oscillator, you need an AVR programmer. It's not possible to set the fuses using the digispark bootloader. An Arduino Uno (or a knockoff) can be programmed to be used as a device programmer for other AVRs.
Can ATtiny85 use I2C?
The Attiny85 does not support specific hardware for SPI and I2C comunications as on ATmega series, instead there is a hardware module called UNIVERSAL SERIAL INTERFACE (USI) that can be only configured to perform SPI or I2C.
Does ATtiny85 have UART?
This is a Receive-only UART for ATtiny84/85 that uses the hardware USI in three-wire (SPI) mode to receive bytes. The UART MOSI line should be connected to the ATtiny's MOSI/DI pin. MISO/DO and SCK/SCL pins are not used. Timer/Counter0 is used by the USI to read in bytes.
What is ATTINY13?
The ATTINY13-20PU is a 8-bit high-performance low-power AVR RISC-based Microcontroller combines 1kB ISP flash memory, 64B SRAM, 64B EEPROM, a 32B register file and a 4-channel 10-bit A/D converter. The device supports a throughput of 20 MIPS at 20MHz and operates between 2.7 to 5.5V.
Does ATtiny85 have analog input?
It does not read in the analog value.
Is ATtiny85 an Arduino?
ATtiny85 Microcontroller Chip is an affordable and powerful alternative to other Arduino microcontrollers, especially when you want to shrink your project down. The chip features 8 pins out of which six are I/O (Including Reset) pins and two are power pins.
Does ATtiny85 need bootloader?
For programming the ATtiny85 without Arduino, we would first have to upload a bootloader into it using an Arduino UNO board, this is a one-time process and after this is done, we will not be needing the UNO board again. Boot-loader is a special program that runs in the microcontroller that has to be programmed.
Does ATtiny85 have PWM?
The ATtiny85 microcontroller has two timers that can be used to generate PWM signals. The first is Timer 0, an 8-bit timer capable of phase-correct and fast PWM used for functions such as delay() and millis(). The second is Timer 1, another 8-bit timer capable of two fast PWMs with complementary outputs.
How much storage is on ATtiny85?
ATtiny85 Memory Allocations It has a flash memory of 2096 bytes. EEPROM memory of ATtiny85 is 512 bytes. It has 32 general purpose registers as well.
How many timers are in ATtiny85?
ATtiny85 has two timers. One is Timer0 which is an 8-bit timer that is capable of phase-correct and fast PWM. The other one is Timer1 which is also an 8-bit timer that is capable of two fast PWMs with complementary outputs.
What language does ATtiny use?
Not only does our programmer run on an Arduino, but you can actually program the ATtiny85 using the Arduino language and IDE. As a bonus, the programmer can be built to work with the popular ATmega328P, as found in Arduino Uno boards.
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